Facing a criminal charge takes you through a lot of pain and plight but it never means there is no light at the end of the tunnel. According to the Constitution, you are entitled to defend your rights and get the charge against you dropped or punishment lessened.
Even the most well-intentional and honest prosecutors bring charges against suspects who have committed no crime. Innocent defendants or their representing lawyers have the right to know how they can avert a conviction, irrespective of the reasons and nature of the allegation. A verdict or guilty plea is not the ultimate outcome of a criminal case and it’s possible for the defendant to avoid trial. HOW? The write-up unfolds the possibilities.
Decision Filing – Limited & Erroneous Information
The police report is often the only source of information to the prosecutor who will decide the filing after a criminal case is tabled across the professional’s desk. On average, police reports, in its preliminary level, contain very limited information. The more distributing part is police reports often have several erroneous facts due to witnesses’ lies or hiding the truth, mistreatments, or bias or mistakes on the part of the arresting officers.
A minor fact might find a twisted mention or a flatly wrong presentation in the police report. Alleged victims exaggerating their injuries or telling lies are also not unheard of. If the charges are without legs to rest on, the defendants are entitled to seek trials with a hope of an acquittal. Unfortunately, criminal cases are not only lengthy, expensive, and risky but also cause a lot of stress to the defendants. The same can be said about the proceedings leading to the trial.
With complexities, heavy stress, and expenses involved in the scenario, it offers convincing explanations why good defense lawyers always make their level best to find out a favorable outcome for their clients before things get too far along.
Intervention before Charges
Pre-trial communication is one of the most important reasons why you should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. However, that never means you should rush through your choice of a lawyer nor let any an attorney to railroad you into hiring him or her. When facing criminal charges, the defendants can hire a lawyer in the preliminary representation and then, if necessary, change the lawyer later on.
If facts are favorable, some lawyers might even intervene before the prosecution decides filing charges. They might get in touch with the investigating or arresting officers before the case proceeds to the prosecution, or even contact the prosecutor before he or she makes the final decision. If it comes to less serious cases, the defense lawyer might explain the incident in a convincing way so that the case is not dragged to the courtroom.
However, the defendants should not have very high hope about the course of action as it often comes out just the reverse.
Final Thoughts
Criminal cases are often the most complex type of cases that undergo courtroom drama. It is quite stressful for the defendants especially if they are innocent or a lesser crime has been blown out of proportion either erroneously or mischievously in the police report. Involving an experienced lawyer from the very beginning will brighten the hope of lesser punishment or even a speedy acquittal.